Ice Blasting is the preferred method for EGIS Natural Developments as it is a more environmentally-friendly technique for industrial clean-up and the remediation of mold and other substances. Dry Ice Blasting eliminates secondary waste that can be damaging, thus alleviating the concern of unhealthy contaminants. Ice Blasting is the preferred method of remediation and cleaning as traditional methods can harm surrounding vegetation & create toxic and secondary waste. EGIS also utilizes Dry Ice Blasting for industrial clean-ups, grease & paint removal and for a variety of other applications that have traditionally required the usage of sandblasting and corrosive solvents. Dry Ice Blasting is approved by the EPA, FDA and USDA and is a safer and better alternative than traditional methods for many clean-up and remediation issues. Contact us today for more information on how EGIS can assist you with Dry Ice Blasting.